Testing 3D videos!
While I was adding a video player functionality to my blog, I came across the idea of making a stereoscopic 3D video to test on the Nintendo 3DS, since the Legacy version of this blog is compatible with the Nintendo Wii and 3DS.
So here are two 3D videos for you to check out! Both versions will work on the New Nintendo 3DS. Regular, older models of the console don’t support any way for video playback with its built-in Internet Browser.
Kirby 3D test (side-by-side version)
This version is compatible only with the New Nintendo 3DS. If you can view stereoscopic images on your own, you might be able to watch one.
Kirby 3D test (anaglyph version)
Wear cyan-red 3D glasses for this one. The New Nintendo 3DS can also handle this one, but it won’t look as good.
How did I make them?
Basically, I made use of the stereoscopy features from Blender cameras. I seemed to have achieved better results when setting both cameras parallel to each other —this can be easily configured in Blender without fiddling with the cameras.
I haven’t done much experimenting with this, though. But it’s really fun!
I think I might do a few more 3D videos like this in the future.